Izmantotā literatūra

  1. Malej, V. Turk, D. Lučic A. Benovic 2007. Direct and indirect trophic interactions of Aurelia sp. (Scyphozoa) in a stratified marine environment (Mljet Lakes, Adriatic Sea). Mar Biol 151, 827–841 pp.
  2. Anonymous 2001. Dzīvnieki. Zvaigzne ABC Rīga, 531 lpp.
  3. Anonymous 2008. Aurelia aurita. en.wikipedia.org
  4. Anonīms 1997. Jūra un okeāni. Rozmes, Maskava, 142 – 150 lpp.
  5. Cathy H. Lucas 2001. Reproduction and life history strategies of the common jellyfish, Aurelia aurita, in relation to its ambient environment. Hydrobiologia 451, 229–246 pp.
  6. Haruto Ishii, Fusako Tanaka 2001. Food and feeding of Aurelia aurita in Tokyo Bay with an analysis of stomach contents and a measurement of digestion times. Hydrobiologia 451, 311–320 pp.
  7. Heard, J.R., 2004. Aurelia aurita. Moon jellyfish. www.marlin.ac.uk
  8. Hermes W. Mianzan, Paul F.S. Cornelius 2009. Zooplankton of the South Atlantic Ocean. www.marinespecies.eu
  9. Hidetomo Shimauchi, Shin–Ichi Uye 2007. Excretion and Respiration Rates of the Scyphomedusa Aurelia aurita from the Inland Sea of Japan. Journal of Oceanography 63, 27–34 pp.
  10. Irwin W. Sherman, Vilia G. Sherman 1971. The invertebrates: function and form a labaratory guide. The Macmillan company USA, 57 – 89 pp.
  11. Jan A. Pechenik 1996. Biology of the invertebrates third edition. Wm. C. Brown Publishers USA, 81 -90 pp.
  12. Jennifer E. Purcell, Mary N. Arai 2001. Interactions of pelagic cnidarians and ctenophores with fish: a review. Hydrobiologia 451, 27–44 pp.
  13. K. A. Pitt, R. M. Connolly, T. Meziane 2009. Stable isotope and fatty acid tracers in energy and nutrient studies of jellyfish: a review. Hydrobiologia 616, 119–132 pp.
  14. K. Barz, H.J. Hirche 2005. Seasonal development of scyphozoan medusae and the predatory impact of Aurelia aurita on the zooplankton community in the Bornholm Basin (central Baltic Sea). Marine Biology 147, 465–476 pp.
  15. Kristina Barz, Hans-Jürgen Hirche 2006. Abundance, distribution and prey composition of scyphomedusae in the southern North Sea. - Marine Biology (2007) 151, 1021–1033 pp.
  16. Kylie A. Pitt, David T. Welsh, Robert H. Condon 2009. Influence of jellyfish blooms on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling and plankton production. Hydrobiologia (2009) 616, 133–149 pp.
  17. Peter D. Nicholsa, Kathryn T. Danaherb, J. Anthony Koslowc 2003. Occurrence of High Levels of Tetracosahexaenoic Acid in the Jellyfish Aurelia sp. Lipids, Vol. 38, no. 11
  18. Prof. V. Spuņģa lekciju materiāli 2009
  19. Richard C. Brusca, Gary J. Brusca 2003. Invertebrates second edition. Sunderland Massachusetts, 219 – 268 pp.
  20. Roberto J. Rodriguez 2008. Aurelia aurita. animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu
  21. Roberto J. Rodriguez 2008. Aurelia aurita. www.eol.org
  22. Terence P. Hughes, David R. Bellwood, Carl Folke, Robert S. Steneck, James Wilson 2005. New paradigms for supporting the resilience of marine ecosystems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol. 20 No.7
  23. Tomoko Watanabe, Haruto Ishii 2001. In situ estimation of ephyrae liberated from polyps of Aurelia aurita using settling plates in Tokyo Bay, Japan. Hydrobiologia 451, 247–258 pp.
  24. V. Dogels 1986. Bezmugurkaulnieku zooloģija. Zvaigzne Rīga, 114 – 119 lpp.
  25. W.T. Lo, I.L. Chen 2008. Population succession and feeding of scyphomedusae, Aurelia aurita, in a eutrophic tropical lagoon in Taiwan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76, 227 – 238 pp.

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