Izmantotā literatūra

  1. Adamec  L.,  1997.  Mineral  nutrition  of  carnivorous plants: A   review. Bot. Rev. 63: 273-299.
  2. Barthlott, W., S. Porembski, R. Seine & I. Theisen (translated by M. Ashdown). 2007. The Curious World of Carnivorous Plants: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Biology and Cultivation. Timber Press, Portland, USA.
  3. Lloyd, F.E.The Carnivorous Plants. 1942. The Carnivorous Plants, Chronica Botanica, Vol. 9. Ronald Press. New York, USA.
  4. Sullivan R. ,Eaton J. The Dirt: Myths about man-eating plants - something to chew on. San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 2007-10-26, USA.
  5. Полевой В.В. Физиология растений: Учеб. для биол. спец. вузов. - М.: Высш. шк., 1989.-464 с.

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Lapas autors: Romāns Vēveris
Izveidošanas datums: 16.01.2010